Research Journal (11.5)

First, in the first step of my design, I need to set my picture as  the background, and this picture is renamed to "avon" to a file "data", in the following figure: 

In the software "Xcode", the C language of the background image is as shown in the figure, adding "ofImage avonImage" to the file "ofApp.h", and adding the C language text as shown in the following figure to the file "ofApp.cpp":

Running this project, you can see this picture as a background on the screen. As shown below:

The most basic first step is completed. The second step is that I want to add some magnifying glasses effects. So I refer to the example in "openframework", So I refer to this example, applied to my design, expressed in C language as follows:

run this project, the program will become as shown below:

Today's work is the most basic step, I will continue to collect more sound sources and information about the river, and apply them to my design. Continuous update...
